A responsible approach
Welcome to the 2022 edition of our guide to responsible investing, which sets out our approach to incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our processes. I hope you find it interesting and informative, and we welcome your feedback.
The coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have put environmental and social issues into the spotlight. Sustainable thinking is now part of everyone’s life and as a society, at the risk of sounding like a pageant show answer, we all strive to make the world a better place.
As a result, investing responsibly has become even more important as an approach that can benefit everyone involved, as well as deliver attractive investment returns. When it comes to investing, we already use plenty of jargon – and add the subjectivity involved in sustainability and it gets murkier by the minute. Over the next few pages, we hope to be able to concisely explain our approach at Omnis and give you some examples of how our investment managers consider ESG factors into their investment decision making. We have tried to keep things simple, but we’ve also produced this short document that you can refer to that explains the key definitions involves when it comes to sustainable investing.
We’re committed to being active investors, and strive to be responsible stewards of our clients’ investments within a framework of good governance and transparency. Core to our investment philosophy, is the belief that well-governed companies are better positioned to manage the risks and challenges inherent in business and to capture opportunities that help deliver sustainable growth. We firmly believe that effective stewardship will benefit companies, our clients and the economy as a whole.
We incorporate ESG factors within our investment process using a scoring system for each fund. We base these scores on a range of issues, including how the managers run our funds, as well as the ESG characteristics of the individual investments they hold. You can read more about our approach in this guide.
We’re dedicated to Omnis being a trusted investment manager. We see ourselves as stewards of your savings, and we believe that incorporating a responsible investment approach is an essential part of our commitment to you.
Dominic Sheridan, Chief Executive Officer